The cooperative follows stringent systems and procedures in its microfinance program operations. The cooperative is having a well defined bylaw and a well narrated credit policy which guides the institution in managing the microfinance portfolio. The entire portfolio of the cooperative is being tracked and monitored by a software based MIS system. To support this MIS software required forms and formats are in place.
Credit Policy
Subhalaxmi Mahila Samabaya Ltd is having a comprehensive credit policy which is the yardstick of the cooperative to manage the portfolio. The staffs of the cooperative along with the board of directors Subhalaxmi sincerely follow this credit policy. Norms with regard to Membership, Saving, Credit, loan eligibility, loan appraisal, membership withdrawal are clearly defined in the policy.
All the loans are extended based on the critical loan appraisal and recommendation of the loan committee of the cooperative. All the BODs along with CEO are the members of the loan committee. The loan committee critically reviews the applications and with a consensus among the members it sanctions loan to the cooperative members. The process followed by the cooperative to extend the loan is described below.
Loan application by the interested members to the concerned SHG
Recommendation by the President and Secretary of the concerned SHG
Appraisal by the Animator and recommendation
Appraisal by the Field Coordinator and recommendation
Comments by the MIS and RLF Coordinator on Past loan behaviour
Review by the Loan Committee of the Cooperative and loan sanction
Release of loan
Verification of utilization of loan
Loan repayment
Forms & Formats
As per the MIS and Accounting system necessary forms and formats are designed in the cooperative through which the entire portfolio is being tracked. Different forms and formats for different products are being designed as mentioned below:
- Saving collection receipt
- Share collection receipt
- Membership withdrawal Form
- Loan Application Form
- Loan Appraisal Form
- Loan Utilization Form
- Demand and Promissory Note
- Money Receipt
- Invoice Format
- Challan Receipt
- Member’s Individual Passbook